Pure Tuning Tests Skunk2 Evo Intake Manifold and Throttle Body
Pure Tuning Tests Skunk2 Intake Manifold and Throttle Body for Evo VIII & IX
So a couple months ago I get a call from a friend telling me he’s gonna give his 05 Evo a little update in the power department and at the end of the parts list was the S2 intake manifold.
Uhhh, did I hear a niner in there? Really, I didn’t even know S2 made a intake manifold for the Evo and we are a Skunk dealer, or maybe I did hear of it, but immediately disregarded it think S2 does Honda’s not Mitu’s.
I have to actually admit I was extremely skeptical the manifold was going to work or work any better than half the others on the market.
Now I definitely wanted to test the manifold and knowing the Mitsu community is picky about their intake manifolds I wanted to make sure the S2 manifold actually worked and where, but there are so many other units out there even if it performed would anyone notice? Well Evo fans you need to see the results!!!!!
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